by stratosg | May 10, 2008 | Quickies
Have you faced this realy annoying message: “Cannot delete folder. It is beeing used by another program or person”? This happens to me frequently. For example when you are writing a word document and suddenly word crushes the file you were editing remains...
by stratosg | May 10, 2008 | Gaming
A few weeks ago i saw this add on steam that they are giving away a totaly free game. I mean who can resist to this. So i was like “what the heck lemme check this out”. I went along and downloaded the game (rally game and much more as i found out later)....
by stratosg | May 9, 2008 | My Coding
In the hardcores or masochists series i illustrated alot of http headers from a cimmunication with a server. I told you back then that if you want to check these examples you can use telnet. This is true but telnet is not that helpfull when you want to send alot of...
by stratosg | May 6, 2008 | Quickies
This bugged me for a while. I wanted to connect to a mysql server via a java app with the jdbc connector. I kept getting this error: “com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure” and then some reflection got into my...
by stratosg | May 5, 2008 | Misc
Just a quicky. I enabled the gravatars here on the site. Gravatars are actually avatars globaly recognized in all gravatar-enabled sites. It is nothing very big just a nice add on. So, if you don’t have a gravatar already go on and signup and get one!