Here i am with a post i wanted to write for quite some time. My everyday task is twice, or maybe even more times, visit a bunch of blogs i am a regular reader. I actually hate rss subscription. I like the feeling of each site. It makes me get into the point. So, i have a folder of bookmarks called “blogs” where i have links to all my friends’ blogs. I visit some other ones too, less frequently though. These blogs actually belong to people that i consider “online friends”. I realy enjoy reading their posts. Other funny, techy, revealing, sightful etc. Many times i find out stuff that i haven’t heard before and are either usefull or quite interesting. I thought i’d share this list with you guys so you can meet each other. You are actually all readers of my blog too so i bet you will read this post.
- First on the list my dear and loyal and so helpfull friend #FN$# with his two blogs howudoing and his personal blog. I never met the guy but i feel like i know him way back!
- Secondly, my other Greek friend Giannou with his personal blog.
- Rockstar Sid has been among the very first readers and commenters and i am thankful to him. He is the owner of blogote (blog + promote 😉 )
- Then comes my first “Member of the month”, Sidharth. He is frequent and loyal reader.
- One blogger that has rocked the blogosphere is Rajai. He is only 14 years old but he thinks like a real grown up.
- KongTechnology is a blog with many nice tutorials. I enjoy reading it and learning stuff!
- TechieSouls is a blog with several usefull programs, tips and tricks. I found out about many things there.
- Roshan is another techie programmer that has an excellent blog. I like his programing tips and i really enjoy his Sunday jokes.
- BlogsDNA is a frequently updated blog that actually found me alot of usefull programs and gave me very usefull tweaking tips.
- PcsPlace is a techie blog from a fellow programmer. Nice tips that actually are very usefull indeed.
- Ozh is a guy most of the wordpress community knows about. The comment badge and many other awsome plugins come from him.
- Madhur owns another interesting blog. Tips, programms, gadgets, news and many more posts come up there.
- Craig Farrall is a web designer that does a very good job on templates. I like his blog. It’s casual and his posts are nice.
- Last but not least, Melvin has a blog posting about various stuff. I like his way of thinking and writing.
So, everyday, i go through this list. I check out what these guys have to say and i am pretty sure i get a good picture of the blogosphere. They are all good web crawlers bringing to their readers nice posts. I am not always leaving a comment but be sure i visit every single day. Sorry for not increasing your feedburner’s readers by one but i realy hate the thing. Please do not consider this as a “suck up”. As i said before my space is worthless add-wise but this post, among all the other linking efforts, is a way of just saying “thanks, i am here too 😉 “.
As i said, i realy felt like posting this list so here it is. Guys, meet the guys 🙂
Sure man
I said I will be in Greece some day and I will come to meet u up 😛
I guess I have to start learning Greek now 😯 itz fun to meet and share cultures with people 😀
Where do u stay in Greece ? May be some day I might come their to see those white buildings
Too cool..!
I felt very happy after seeing this post. We can surely meet man. Atleast, we can make some project together. 😀
That list of yours have many of our mutual friends.
Cheers to Online friends.. 😆
Well,once again,thanx for everything! 🙂
No really,this post made me smile after a quite “difficult” morning…!! 😀
Thank you!
Yeah, I’m on the list! 😛
Thanks 🙂
I also “crawl” you blog, not everyday but frequently 😉
You have some really nice posts, keep it up! 😉
(moar php and xhtml related posts plx 😀 )
yo nice to be ur frnd 🙂
Greece I am coming
Wow, I am added to this list, I didn’t know I had a fan like this to be honest, but thanks for the support and everything.
Whereas you don’t like feedburner, I don’t use that, I use google reader, and guess who is on there? yes its you 😉
Cheers for the heads up 🙂
thanks for visiting you all! i really appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment. hope each one of you continues his great job so i will have interesting things to read 😉 cya!
me too. i like to read blogs everyday.. more than i read the papers i htink 😀
I feel honoured to be on the list buddy. I do hope that one day we get a chance to meet.
Thanks for including me on your friends list 🙂
I believe that I have been subscribed to your blog every since you made a comment on my blog. The reason my comment post frequency has gone down is because I’m currently on Dial-Up for the next 20 days. But after that…. 🙂
@rajaie and all the other guys. i am really looking forward to your comments each time i push the “publish” button but i definitely do not hold it against you if you don’t stop by. it’s a busy world and you are busy guys like we ALL are. do not worry. i am not keeping count 😉 thnx all for stopping by!
hey dude….I think one day I’ll come to greece to meet you. BTW if you ever come to Nepal then don’t forget to meet me..thanks for visiting my blog regularly and posting the useful comments..
i have always been charmed of the east from Egypt to China. If i ever make it and travel down there i will definitely make a post about it. as it seems many of my readers and friends are from india, nebal, malaysia etc. thx for stopping by man and keep up the excellent work on your blog!
Great lists. Nice to know there are so many great bloggers out there