I have been reading about Windows 7 for months now. The whole world is going crazy about it and everybody it trying to find a way to get their hands on them. Since day one i tried to find what is so special about them and what will there be added that will make this OS better than the previous one and why should i be so anxious as to when they will be released. Looking here and there and reading about “features to be” here is what i think about Windows 7, using an analogy.
We have a box (let’s call it NT with the NTFS file system and all the goodies).
We wrap it up with a nice shiny gift wrap and we have a nice output. Let’s call that “Vista“.
Now, we take the exact same box, wrap it with another gift wrap, a more fancy one, and we call it “7“.
To the user this seems like a totally different product that he would pay his hard earned $200 (more or less) to buy. But, no, it’s the exact same product. Now, let’s take a stroll down memory lane about a couple of years back when Vista was on the way. There was a huge feature list announced back then. Among other non important stuff there where a couple of features that, in my opinion, would be the factors that would change the “box” on the above example. One of them was the new files ystem they were talking about making instead of using NTFS. That would be innovative because, from what i read, it would be much more reliable than NTFS and with capabilities to recover lost sectors of the disk, give more opportunities on file locking and permissions and many other things.
One more feature was the 3D desktop environment that they were talking about and promising much. Many of you might think that this is all about the wrap rather than the box itself. I don’t agree since 3D desktops would change the way we do our everyday jobs permanently. It would change the way we use computers, besides the fact that it would make it more future-ish.
The list of features that would actually matter, has a couple more things. But did any of these were actually implemented? No! They said that they had no time and had to get Vista out pronto. But, they promised that all these features would be transferred to their next Windows, Vienna (7 as they call them now). Yesterday they announced an open beta of their Windows 7. Did any of these features got implemented now? Not again! Maybe they are waiting on Apple (3d desktop??) and the open source community to code and then just sub-license, who knows.
What got me writing this article is the frenzyness over this. Everybody bloated Microsoft’s servers to download a beta of this. A BETA! Now come on people. We use Windows and always complain (rightfully in my opinion) about blue screens, incompatible software, crashes, memory outbursts, unnecessary system overload and many others. Now we are anxious to try out their betas too? Isn’t that insane? And here is the most insane part of all. Their shiny new features. The ones that will change the world of computers. Yah now i am SERIOUSLY JOKING. Let’s take a quick look at a few.
The all new tabbed paint and wordpad. What a useful addition. One more is the support for touch screens. They say that they will be required. It’s not the cost it’s all about more and more requirements. And why’s that? Just to be able to use the other new feature of “Multi-touch paint program where you can draw with 10 fingers”. Yay! This is just what i was missing these days. Oh, and don’t forget the “Multi-touch piano app”. Now my talent won’t go to waste. Touch screen handling is innovative indeed provided that we have a solid base. And, guess what, we don’t (built on Windows Vista rings a bell?). This feature-less list is actually endless. I think that Microsoft has been listening carefully all this time that the users have been providing valuable feedback about their Vista product. Way to go guys!
And here is what i think about it. They are mocking us and laughing on our faces. They take the same thing, put in some bugs and throw it back to us. And what do we do? We run to them, bloat their servers so we can have a beta version that will expire before it is remotely stable.
I would like to make a note here. I am a fan of Microsoft and most of their products. In fact, i can’t have any linux distro on my desktop pc. I like Windows and i know my way around them. But what i think is that they are doing a great marketing job. Yup. They are good programmers, excellent graphic artists and top notch marketeers. That’s who they are. They pull a crap like “open beta testing of my new release that has no real features and will not be stable at all” and we all go crazy. The worst part is that we do that only to start complaining and say things when the product hits actually the market. I can read the headlines in 18 months from now (the approximate time that Windows 7 are to be released) “another failure”, “even more useless”. So why did we rush that much anyway?
Enough with all the rumbling. I think i said enough and shared my thoughts with you. I am not that anxious waiting on the Windows 7 release since i see nothing sugnificant changing. What i see is a period of unstable systems, till they finaly release a service pack and many many unsatisfied customers that rushed in the stores to buy it as soon as it hit the market.
This is a post i wrote in an emotional outburst that’s why it’s a bit mean. But within the proportions i think enough truth is said.
UPDATE: I have been getting much feedback on this post and dug in a little bit more. I found this excellent list of user friendly Windows 7 features and i really think you should read it.
Though i believe Windows 7 is hyped a bit too much, I won’t agree with it being just a wrapper over Vista. Vista sucked big time I agree. But Windows XP was as good as it can get. Windows 7 (if it can address all the issues with Vista) can be really worth the hype.
Excellent one!
Everyone are downloading Windows 7 from different sources and other direct links (Torrent links maybe).. Definitely I am not interested in any beta product and as I am not a techie or any geek.. Frankly speaking this is a waste of my time downloading.. installing..praising and finding the useless features π
Yet all the people likes to try out different things and play with the beta version,whether it is Google chrome (Most of the articles I see right now tries to find unsecured loopholes in Chrome π )
As far as my likes are concerned,I have been using Microsft windows (XP and 2000) for around 6 years and itz quite easy to use π
@Raju Well remember the time where there was no service pack for XP? Would you say the same? No. You say it now because MS took time in taking feedback and fixing stuff. Now they are releasing one after another without taking care. If Vista got the 4 years XP had for service packs then believe me we would say the same…
@Rockstar Sid: This is my point exactly. Testing is one thing and thinking that this is the ultimate release is another. I can’t agree with you more π The install part is so time consuming. Consider the fact that it has to be installed over Vista (which means that in order to switch back you have to reformat) and it takes over an hour as i read somewhere (can’t remember where).
I am no-way promoting Windows 7, but I just dont like to out rightly reject it either. Windows XP before SP1 (before SP2 actually) was just half good as it is now. And as I mentioned before, *IF* 7 is a patched (SP1/2/3) version of Vista, it would really worth all the hype it is getting now.
@Raju I didn’t say you did. I just said that we have a complete product in our hands with service packs that has been thoroughly tested and we say it’s good. That’s only normal. As for what you say that it will be worth the hype and we shouldn’t reject it at once i will have to agree. We shall see…
Vista was a big letdown and flop in terms of features. Though i agree that there arent any innovative features in Windows 7, but i cannot resist the urge to try it out.
@Madhur: Well i see what you are saying but i can definitely resist that urge until at least their final release π You have a good luck with that if you do try them out π
Nice rant. π
Yes, I totally agree. I am not one of those people rushing to get a copy of a half-baked project. I mean, I’m still terrified of Vista, and very little can sell me on ‘Vienna’.
You are right. Microsoft marketers are doing a h3ll of a job! They’ve made many people forget about all of the hiccups of their past operating systems and products. (Mind you, just a week or so ago, it was mentioned that Window’s new Media Player in Windows 7 corrupts mp3 files….)
Anyway, I CAN resist the urge to try it out. I’m a creature of habit and quite content with Windows XP. π
I’m a Mac guy, but seriously the hype surrounding Windows 7 made me curious about it… Let’s hope its not another bust from Microsoft.
@Shirley I didn’t hear about that WMPlayer corruption π― I guess there is one more reason! Anyway only time will show us what will truly happen.
@theaffiliate: Bust or not my feeling is they are going to shove it down our throat π Thanks for dropping by!
Use UNIX-like systems… or buy a super-computer which can run Vista…
From my little experience as an M$ user since the DOS era all i know is that an operating system must do what the title says. Operate. Making a living as developer i just don’t need all this crap. I just need a surface where i can happily play with my tools. XP let me do that. I used Vista just for 1 day (came installed on my laptop, downgraded to XP hours later). I don’t think i m gonna put my hands on 7 as well. I just do not need all these stuff. Sure, there are people out there who love visual blings and bells and whistles but how good is that if i need a super computer just to run an operating system.
Yes yes, with XP i get blue screens (can’t remember when i got one, really) but i call it an operating system. It’s how someone would use stuff. If you take a Porsche and try to reach the 200km speed with the first gear, the car will just explode. Simple.
Anyway, just wanted to say that when M$ drops support for XP i will just move to some other OS (already playing with OSX).
My little piece of advice to 7 fans. Even if 7 is Vista + SP1,2,3 + more fixes just wait for 7 SP2. After how many? 10 years with windows, you know that’s probably the most stable version someone will get.
my $0,02.
@Gerasimos: I will have to agree with you on that to an extent… I use vista for my laptop. that is because there is no sound driver (!!!) for XP. i was pissed at the beginning but now i am kinda used to it. it’s stable so far… what i hate about 7 right now is that what the additions are are actually like buying Vista with an expansion pack or something. it’s NOT a different OS it’s just expanded. that’s why i am all jumpy about them. btw how does the OSX look like? are you getting used to it?
Hi – I was going to ask what version you used and then the question was answered in the comments. Personally, I want my operating system to be stable and the last thing I want is a beta version. I didn’t know about the hype until today because I haven’t really been online but I’m really not surprised. There is a type of me first personality that is always eager to try the newest, wait in line to be first, etc.
I really enjoyed this rant. I’m hopeful about Windows 7 but am prepared to be disappointed. As it stands I still use XP π
@Kim Thanks for stopping by! And yes the fact that you weren’t aware of the fuss indicates that you were definitely not online π Anyway i am hopeful too but being hopeful with windows is like being hopeful that the Titanic won’t sink when you watch the movie π I am just kidding ofcourse. The one thing i would like to avoid is buy a touch screen but i guess this is part of the progress of mankind and in 40 years we will be wondering how things were done when touch screens were not around (just like we do with mice these days as they turn 40)… Only time will prove me wrong (i hope) or right….
@ Stratos
I love the box representation of things…
@ Rockstar Sid
I know the reason behind… You cannot install them on your age old PC π … Same case with me… π
@Pavan: Thanks for dropping by! And yes Win7 are more resource hungry than ever!
again I don’t agree with you completely π resource requirements for Windows 7 are lesser than Vista but more than XP.
@Raju: I think they are identical with the exception of the touch screen. Plus the fact that they are built on Vista makes me think they must at least be as resource hungry. But, as i said, time will show…
Well, I gave Vista 2 tries, and went back to Xp both times!
I installed the Windows7 beta 1 (dual booting with XP), and I simply love it! I can honestly say that when the final product is released, I will be ready to leave Xp behind! There finally getting it right!
@Tom: Surprisingly enough this rant post has got some valuable feedback. i also checked the list that’s on the update of the post and i was impressed by what MS has been up to in terms of user friendlynes. i might look at this post a few years later and laugh at my self but as a note to me this is what i think at the moment π
The big thing about 7 is basically to be what Vista was supposed to be. It’s supposed to run faster, be more efficient and just an overall better OS.
I actually eventually learned to live with Vista, but it took a long while. I don’t think I’m switching again.