The 200th post!

Yay! This is all i can say… It’s been over a year now, since i started this blog, and almost eight months since the 100th post.  This is another milestone reached. It all started back in February 2008 as a “what if” and then i just installed...

Easily create paragraph sidenotes

When i talk about WordPress you all know that i prefer doing something by hand rather install a plugin to do it – provided that the task at hand is easy to do. I have already shown you how to get rid of the various sociable plugins and do it yourself easily...

Google’s dangerous monopoly

Eleven years ago the internet was like the world back in the dark ages. Wonderful things where happening all over it but no one would find out about it. It was growing so quickly though that a way of finding out the information you are looking for easily was a must...

The new theme

I think it’s quite obvious for my readers that the site has, once more, changed a theme! It’s been quite some time since the last one (June 2008) so i started getting bored of the old one. Also, i decided i needed more from my theme. And when i say more i...

Hosting variables 101

I’ve been active around my online friends lately and i noticed something i thought didn’t exist. There is much confusion about what are all those variables when having to choose for a webhost. Bandwidth, memory, disk space, CPU, managed/unmanaged etc are...