Java crash course #2:The very basics

Well, a few days back i started this tutorial series on the Java programming language. Now i feel it’s the time to move on. I realy have no clue if the series will be of any help for any of you but regardless i still feel like going on. On the last post i...

Linux Process Management

When running on a windows machine, a fair amount of problems can be solved with a simple Ctrl+Alt+Del. For those of you who still don’t get it the task manager comes up and you can kill any process you want. Moreover, if you want a process to run into the...

A beautiful… thunderstorm!

[Show picture list] Well title says it all. A few days ago i posted the nice sunset that was outside my house. Well yesterday night there was a thunderstorm! Now that was an amazing one. Lots of thunderbolts and at some points the night turned into a day! You can...

Java crash course #1: Introduction

I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. Now i decided to put it to the test and see if anyone finds it useful or not. This series will actually be a Java tutorial, from the basics to the more advanced, from ground up. You can call it a “for...

Mibbit: Over and done with installed IM’s

Well for a couple of years now meebo has eliminated the need of MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger and all the IM’s. It’s all in one. One thing was missing though… IRC. I know nowadays people prefer instant messengers rather than the old school IRC but...