Welcome elijah!!

New author added to myblog! It is one of my best friends, elijah, who was seeking for a blogging home. He will be writing intersting articles along with me. I overwelmingly welcome him! Stay tuned for more interesting stuff…

Very interesting psychology test

A few years ago i was writing an essay for a course on my university. It was all about human-computer interaction and interface design. In this field psychology is the science you want to get advices from. Temporary memory spans, permanent memory spans, human...

Another theme change…

Well as you can see, i changed the theme again… This is how it works with me. I change the themes alot until i find the one that i think is the one that fits me. I think this is a theme that reflects my blog’s subjects better. If you like it or not...

Loading to RAM vs Querying to get all

The title of the post is pretty streight forward. Here is a problem i face every day and i believe every developer, that has something to do with databases, does. When you need a result set that has to be created out of sever or eight tables what do you do? Do you...