Writing a Mail2SMS app…

I thought of this idea a few days ago and it realy got me excited. The basic thought is that a daemon checks your email and when you have a new one he dispatches and SMS to you with the sender and the subject of the message. This way you can chill out anywhere and...

49 days to Easter…

Kites all over Greece! Well not here, where i live because there is no wind what so ever, but in general it’s tradition. Kites, chalva, olives, lagana and in general all the little things. Counting today, 49 days of a very hard fasting period start, leading to...

Unix set timezone

A quickie here fellas. If you want to set your time on a unix machine you have to do two things. First of all set the timezone and then set the correct time. You set the timezone by copying the appropriate file to /etc/localtime. For instance, if you want to set your...

iRobot… heading t(w)here?

I just saw, for once more, the big blockbuster iRobot. The idea of inteligent robots and evolving artificial inteligence has always fascinated me. I mean the idea of creating something that can immitate human and the human behaviour is a big thing by its self. Think...

Mailing for hardcores or… masochists!

Here we are again! Another tutorial in the series of “hardcores or… masochists!”. I find it interesting into digging into the protocols that we use many times a day and we have no clue what is going on behind the scenes. And here i come with the next...