File upload & download via HTTP

Continuing my previous post “HTTP for hardcores or… masochists!” i would like to write a few words about downloading and uploading files via http protocol. It is usefull many of the times to be able to download a file via php on even upload eliminating...

Gmail… rocks!

More than a year now, the whole planet is leaving a revolution on mail services. Gmail has come out hitting hard many big providers (like yahoo!). Anyways, we all now that those guys in google are creative and all they want is to do everything for fun too, besides...

String replace in VIM

This is the first post on the quickies category. Actually it is more like bookmarks to me but usefull quick tips for everybody (i know why not use some bookmarking site, well why not use my site :D). If you want to replace an occurence of a string in vim to another...

HTTP for hardcores or… masochists!

Well have you ever thought when surfing the net what the hell happens when you type a website address and click visit or whatever? How does the browser talk to the remote computer and gets the page you want? I mean all you do is type in an address and then everything...

Duck season… SHOOT!

Guys this is one of my favorite epeisodes of bugs and duffy. They are fighting over whose season it is and, as always, the duck seems to have some problems. Enjoy… i sure did!