by stratosg | Feb 22, 2008 | My Coding
The attempt on migrating StratoSector from e107 to Joomla was a total disaster. The boggest problem i had is that the site was realy slow. I thought that the CMS in combination with the hoster was the reason that the site was so damn slow some times. What it turned...
by stratosg | Feb 22, 2008 | Misc
Two days in tripolis where enough for me to remember all the good ole days. The “three’s company” was all together again beeing crazy and funny. Andrew, Elijah and i had some fun. Also we had to take two tests, but hey we were all together, who cares...
by stratosg | Feb 18, 2008 | My Coding
As i posted before i migrated from e107 to Joomla. I finished installing a couple of days ago. One of the major reasons of the migration was that the site became too slow from time to time. I thought it was the CMS. So, when more problems came around...
by stratosg | Feb 18, 2008 | Misc
Tomorow evening i’m heading back to Tripolis. For those who know me, they know this is the murder scene for me. I’ve been studying Computer Science there the past 4 years and i had a pretty good time i must admit. I am heading there to take exams on two...
by stratosg | Feb 17, 2008 | Misc
Well Syberia has given us some trouble. A cold weather has come down all the way from Russia and now it’s snowing like crazy. Everything has gone below zero and life is getting a bit harder. Water is coming in, in drops. Air conditioning has frozen, causing it...