by stratosg | Feb 7, 2008 | Misc
Fiddling around, i found a site that calculates some interesting data about your website. So, i submited stratosector and voila! Checking a long list of, i must say, interesting data i stumbled upon a part saying: “other domains resolving to same IP”....
by stratosg | Feb 7, 2008 | My Coding
Ok. I am pretty excited with this one. Jasmine, a year ago, was just a “what if”… Today it is on v1.1 a pretty stable one. Some bugs that have been previously found are now covered and some extra features that i had on a “later todo” list...
by stratosg | Feb 7, 2008 | Gaming
Over four years have past since i remember my self anxiously waiting on the release of the sequence of the game “Command & Conquer”, the “Generals” sequel. I had seen screenshots of the game previous to that and i had been astonished by the...