by stratosg | Jan 26, 2009 | Misc
Well not like the series… As many of my readers must have noticed lately i am somewhat gone from the scene of the blogoshere. I do not post, don’t comment, don’t tweet and all of this happened unexpectedly. Well i just wanted to let you all guys know...
by stratosg | Jan 16, 2009 | Featured Articles, Misc
Here i am with another project of mine! FunnyInbox is my latest work. It all started a few days back when i received a funny email from a friend with an attached video of about 4 megs. Immediately I remembered talking to a friend a few months back where we were saying...
by stratosg | Jan 3, 2009 | Misc, MOTM
One more month has gone by and here i am with the new “Member Of The Month”. This is something i started back in July and it seems i will keep since it’s a way of giving back to you guys, my readers and commenters. This month, since all the holiday...
by stratosg | Jan 1, 2009 | Misc
Happy new year fellas! The hours are counting on the brand new 2009. I wish you all this is a productive year full of health, love and exciting work and things to do! Keep your health in order, your loved ones by your side and your priorities straight. Keep your...
by stratosg | Dec 26, 2008 | Misc
Christmas is here and, as promised, i will giveway the game “Mystery Case Files: Huntsville”. I used’s list shuffler to create a winner from a very short list. The participants as entered were: Raju Sire Madhur Andrea The list was shuffled...
by stratosg | Dec 25, 2008 | Misc
I think that the best way to give you my best wishes is to quote John Lennon and the song “Happy X-Mas”. And so this is Christmas I hope you have fun the near and the dear ones the old and the young a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year let’s...