by stratosg | Nov 13, 2008 | My Coding, Thoughts
Today i read this article about my lolcats widget plugin. Before i say what i have to say, i would first want to note that i really appreciate any comment on my work, good or bad. I think that bad comments, when expressed in a nice and constructive way, are better...
by stratosg | Oct 29, 2008 | My Coding, Tutorials
If you are a web developer then you definitely have been faced with this little thingy. Let’s say you want to do dynamic resizing of images for a project of yours. All you need is an extension for PHP called GD. With that you are given many possibilities on...
by stratosg | Oct 26, 2008 | My Coding
As you all know a few days back i created my first WordPress plugin. I released it here and to the WordPress plugin directory. Since it was a fine ride i decided to do something more usefull that has not been yet done. I know alot of you guys like the lolcats out...
by stratosg | Oct 24, 2008 | Misc, My Coding
Just a quickie here. After a couple of days on hold, my plugin “Mini RSS reader” got approved and hosted on the WordPress plugin directory. Good news i guess since this is my first (of many to come i hope) listing! Wish me luck 😉
by stratosg | Oct 23, 2008 | My Coding, Tutorials
As you all know, recently, i started coding “seriously” WordPress plugins. My first one was the “Mini RSS reader” and as you also know i plan on keep going with the coding. Since then, I’ve been looking on stuff about coding plugins,...
by stratosg | Oct 22, 2008 | My Coding
With the micro project opened by me, i wanted to replace the twitter on the top, as i said yesterday. What i did is create a small plugin for WordPress that that actually reads an RSS feed and displays it the way you see on the top left corner, where my micros’...