Small hiccup on the “Featured” post

A few days back i posted on how to create a small place on top of your posts in your theme to keep a featured post there (just like the one running here, as you can see on top of the posts). Validating my blog today against different browsers i stumbled on a serious...

Wp-Stats not counting!

I’ve had WP-Stats ( stats) since i started this blog. When i moved it to the new domain and changed the theme my stats stoped counting. The line was flat! So, at the beggining i thought that the users haven’t learnt about the change yet. I...

The WordPress 2.7 survey

If you are using wordpress then you must have seen on the dashboard feeds that there is a wordpress 2.7 survey the developpers would appreciate us take. I really think you should take the survey since it’s actually there to help the developpers see what we want....