by stratosg | Apr 26, 2008 | Quickies
Today, reading several news i read about this one in slashdot here. It realy stroke me out. Actually, Mesh, is a product by Microsoft. According to the developers, what it does is it synchronizes all your devices (hard disks, portables etc etc) with your online...
by stratosg | Apr 12, 2008 | Quickies, Tutorials
I found this activity diagram, in this page, strolling around the internet and i found it very interesting. It shows what happens from the momment the server gets the request from the client and how he decides what response code to send to the client. You must have...
by stratosg | Apr 6, 2008 | Misc, Quickies
This is addicting guys… First of all what is a picooz? Well it is an RC helicopter from Silverlit. The picooz’s are series of rc helicopters. They are pretty small and light and they are addicting to fly. I have a desert king type of helicopter. It is...
by stratosg | Mar 27, 2008 | Quickies, Tutorials
I’ve seen it happening to many sites and I always thought of this as impossible. I beleived that since the api is closed you cannot export into this format. It turns out that i was wrong. Well, as it turned out, not entirely… I mean the api is still closed...
by stratosg | Mar 22, 2008 | My Coding, Quickies
I know this is a port mania today but i finally solved a problem that has been bugging me for a few days now. I wanted to send an sms via Clicaktell’s gateway that i wanted it to be utf. This gateway supports this kind of messages but with a trick. When you set...
by stratosg | Mar 22, 2008 | Quickies
Here is a quick one that could be very handy and usefull to many of you. Have you ever developed a site and wondered if it looks nice and the way you want it to on other browsers? Have you ever developed a site that you see it fine until someone comes along and tells...