by stratosg | May 15, 2008 | Tutorials
Since my early days with Java many stuff have impressed me but, among the things that impressed me the most, is the Remote Method Invocation (RMI). It makes it very easy to create applications over a network. One hard part about it was that we had to create what we...
by stratosg | May 14, 2008 | Tutorials
Now this is something i didn’t know. I always thought that the PDF files are just jibberish bytecodes. This is not absolutely wrong but most of it is not right… What actually happens is that PDF represents documents as structured data. Opening a pdf...
by stratosg | Apr 28, 2008 | Tutorials
The flexibility of this language is just outstanding. In it’s own organized way, you can read binary files and get the hex code or even the binary code. Then you can also write your data back to a binary file. Here is how… To read in binary, you need to...
by stratosg | Apr 21, 2008 | Tutorials
About a year and a half ago, i started coding my CMS, Jasmine. It was a combination of experience on several CMS’s like the nukes, e107, joomla and jupiter (which i was sad to see close a few months ago). I was (and maybe still am in a way) an inexperienced php...
by elijah | Apr 15, 2008 | Tutorials
I had written an application for the Netflix challenge. Here’s the report (sort of), it’s split into 3 parts. This is my first blog entry, so sorry for the style. 0. The problem. The problem was announced by Netflix back in 2006. It concerns a challenge...
by stratosg | Apr 12, 2008 | Quickies, Tutorials
I found this activity diagram, in this page, strolling around the internet and i found it very interesting. It shows what happens from the momment the server gets the request from the client and how he decides what response code to send to the client. You must have...