by stratosg | Apr 12, 2008 | Thoughts, Tutorials
I have been using trees as structures to store data, such as categories in a forum. In most cases what happens is that you create a node, for instance a category, that may or may not have a parent. This is called an adjucency matrix, because what you do is, in each...
by stratosg | Mar 27, 2008 | Quickies, Tutorials
I’ve seen it happening to many sites and I always thought of this as impossible. I beleived that since the api is closed you cannot export into this format. It turns out that i was wrong. Well, as it turned out, not entirely… I mean the api is still closed...
by stratosg | Mar 17, 2008 | Tutorials
Cerberus, as many of you might know, is a helpdesk platfrom developed in PHP and MySQL. It is a very good solution in the market for this kind of job. But there are many dependencies and some problems you should be aware of before installing. A big problem with cerb4...
by stratosg | Mar 12, 2008 | My Coding, Tutorials
The title of the post is pretty streight forward. Here is a problem i face every day and i believe every developer, that has something to do with databases, does. When you need a result set that has to be created out of sever or eight tables what do you do? Do you...