by stratosg | Nov 25, 2008 | Thoughts, WP Tweaks
On my early days of computers and programming i used to be fanatic and passionate about the programming tools I used. I still remember the early days of Java programming. I would bet that no other language is there except for Java. Today, i still think that it is a...
by stratosg | Nov 23, 2008 | My Coding, Tutorials, WP Tweaks
This post will be a conclusion on the requests for plugins and tweaks requested over at Kim’s blog. Both her and a reader of her’s, SDK, requested on a small tweak on the plugin called “Search Reloaded”. The plugin does a very good job on...
by stratosg | Nov 19, 2008 | My Coding, Tutorials, WP Tweaks
You all know that lately i’ve been up to coding a few plugins and sharpening my WordPress coding skills. Besides mine, on the WordPress plugin directory you can find hundreds and hundreds of plugins doing just about anything. It’s actually thousands of...