Welcome to stratos.me

A blog where I write anything that comes to mind.

VPSLink.com your best option out there on VPS!

As you already know, i moved on a Virtual Private Server the other day. The quest on finding something to fit my needs was not very easy. When i say "needs" i mean cheap but reliable hosting with total control over the server and as much as i can get for my money. I...

A trip to Thessaloniki, a stop at Tempi!

It's been a while since i posted some photos but it's been a while since i've gone somewhere! So, this time we all went to Thessaloniki (point A on the map). We followed the road as noted. It's actually a 5 hour trip, without any stops you have to make in the middle....

The new VPS!

Quite a few years have gone by since i started fiddling around with my first HTML. Then, back in 2006, i bought my first domain and hosting in godaddy. Since then, it's all uphill! Till now i have quite a few domains and even more sites i am managing. It was a nice...

Member Of The Month: September

One more month and #FN$# is again the top commentator! I thought about this very well since #FN$# is one of the most loyal readers and comments to almost every post. So, there was a dillema for me. Either name #FN$# once more the "Member Of The Month" or choose the...

Wp-Stats not counting!

I've had WP-Stats (WordPress.com stats) since i started this blog. When i moved it to the new domain and changed the theme my stats stoped counting. The line was flat! So, at the beggining i thought that the users haven't learnt about the change yet. I kept it like...

IRC for hardcores or… masochists!

Now here is another post on the "hardcore or masochist" series. It's been a long time since the last similar post but it's been a long time since i ever got to explore a protocol. This was a pretty easy one to explore since it is built for chatting. It all started out...

Another dashboard redesign

For a couple of weeks now the blogosphere has been clogged up with posts about the new WordPress version coming out in November. Seeing the survey about the new dashboard redesign and reading Lorelle's blog post where she mentions the post about the final features for...

The WordPress 2.7 survey

If you are using wordpress then you must have seen on the dashboard feeds that there is a wordpress 2.7 survey the developpers would appreciate us take. I really think you should take the survey since it's actually there to help the developpers see what we want. They...

The friends i never actually met

Here i am with a post i wanted to write for quite some time. My everyday task is twice, or maybe even more times, visit a bunch of blogs i am a regular reader. I actually hate rss subscription. I like the feeling of each site. It makes me get into the point. So, i...