Welcome to stratos.me
A blog where I write anything that comes to mind.Member Of The Month: February
This is what it took, twenty eight days! Yup, February is now over and we are on our way to spring (at least where i live). It was one slow month for me, blog-wise i mean. I was here and absent and then here again. I guess everybody has his ups and downs. But, still,...
BloggerBuddy: Update to v0.5.1
The last couple of days my friend Sire brought to my attention a small problem on BloggerBuddy. There was a conversation on the update post here about it. What was happening is that on the individual feed view, i.e. when clicking on a specific feed to view posts from...
When things get extremely wrong
As many of you must have noticed, either by visitng or by my desperate tweets, my sites have been down yesterday for almost 12 hours. This is due to what i'd like to call a mistake of mythical proportions. But why am i writing this post now? Well, for starters i want...
Dumb and dumber root commands
Managing a linux machine can be from extremely easy to extremely difficult depending on the level of abstraction to the system you are willing to use. For instance, using an Ubuntu distribution with an administrator-like user account (that's a sudo-er) and synaptic,...
Member Of The Month: January
So here we are again. The first 1/12th of the year has gone by and, to be honest, it was not one of my most productive ones. But, what can you do, i've been thrown some curveballs this month on my professional and online life. On the contrary, on my personal life, i...
A knight’s tale
On January 22nd 2008, a very shocking event took place. The very popular actor, Heath Ledger, was found dead on his New York apartment in SoHo. I read about it a couple of days later and was rather shocked. He was a very young man and there was a mystery around his...
I am “Lost”
Well not like the series... As many of my readers must have noticed lately i am somewhat gone from the scene of the blogoshere. I do not post, don't comment, don't tweet and all of this happened unexpectedly. Well i just wanted to let you all guys know that all is...
FunnyInbox: How about a nice laugh?
Here i am with another project of mine! FunnyInbox is my latest work. It all started a few days back when i received a funny email from a friend with an attached video of about 4 megs. Immediately I remembered talking to a friend a few months back where we were saying...
7 of the most idiotic people of 2008
This email hit my inbox a few minutes ago from my beloved aunt Angie, and when i read it i decided to share this with you guys. I don't know if this is published somewhere (if so please comment so i can give credits to the author) but i really think you guys are going...
Quick URL parsing using Perl
Have you ever stumbled on a page that you would like to copy-paste all the links from and, darn, they were many? For instance when you get that directory listing and you want to download all the files? Well, i faced the problem these days. I wanted to copy more than...