Welcome to stratos.me

A blog where I write anything that comes to mind.

“My Tag Cloud” plugin

A few days back, Kim wrote a short post calling all readers on asking what plugin they would like to have coded, provided someone would code it for them. That was actually my part. This came after the successful co-operation between me and Mike for the YAFootnotes...

Brand your Windows installation

When buying a new computer you must have all noticed that, on the "My computer" properties, there is a logo and technical support information of the vendor. On the left side of the system info, on the tab labeled "General", there is the company's logo. On the bottom...

Another plugin hits the world: YAFootnotes

You all must know that the other day there was some constructive critisism of my lolcats plugin. It was a good thing that happened because i had the opportunity to see new blogs and, most importantly, meet new people. In the author's post, Mr. Mike Nichols had more...

What was i thinking?

Today i read this article about my lolcats widget plugin. Before i say what i have to say, i would first want to note that i really appreciate any comment on my work, good or bad. I think that bad comments, when expressed in a nice and constructive way, are better...

Tested WordPress 2.7 beta 1

Since the new version of WordPress is due this month i decided i should take a look at the recently released beta 1. So, i set up a small test copy of my blog and upgraded to 2.7. To be honest i expected hell to break loose with all the "ready" posts i read all over...

Member Of The Month: October

Once more, one more... I am late this month i know. But, you must have read my recent micros about internet connection problems. Well, the whole weekend was a mess connection-wise and i couldn't browse the internet (so much for blogging!). And the new Member of the...

Resize images with PHP and GD

If you are a web developer then you definitely have been faced with this little thingy. Let's say you want to do dynamic resizing of images for a project of yours. All you need is an extension for PHP called GD. With that you are given many possibilities on image...

Lolcats widget plugin

As you all know a few days back i created my first WordPress plugin. I released it here and to the WordPress plugin directory. Since it was a fine ride i decided to do something more usefull that has not been yet done. I know alot of you guys like the lolcats out...